Cement industry

Distinctive qualities:

High resistance to abrasion, long service life, breaking loads higher than standard

Used in every phase of the cement production process, Sircatene chains ensure high and consistent performance, maximum reliability, greater resistance to abrasive powders & strain and breaking loads above standard.

catena per produzione cemento

Perfectly dimensioned, designed to achieve maximum performance in all production phases, made with pins and bushes special  treated to increase their resistance, the Sircatene products for cement industry ensure constant performance under any work conditions.

Conveyor chains, apron conveyors, pan conveyors bucket elevators, scraper chains, flow conveyors, extractors and dosing systems convey raw materials from the crushing area to the grinder, from furnaces to cooling, storage and end product distribution areas.

Precise tolerances, heat treatment and materials specifically selected for the sector and perfectly checked at Sircatene premises, provide the best solution for every process phase.

Resistance to abrasive powders, reliability, precision and strict checks ensure high quality chains that feature high breaking loads and performance, and long service life.

Sircatene chains specific to the cement industry excel in high resistance to abrasive powders and long service life, achieved also due to the accurate dimensional check of mechanical parts, plates, bushes and pins.

In the cement industry, the functional stress due to weight and high consistency of materials is continuous and significant.  Sircatene developed chains with breaking load higher than standard to ensure continuous operation and maximum safety of the plant.

In 40 years of activity, Sircatene are the trusted partner of many key cement factories, due to the high quality of or products.