'cause you deserve it

Sircatene: focused on people

We believe in people, in their talent and value and so we support initiatives that promote culture, growth and well-being.

At Sircatene we believe that social responsibility is not a duty, but a choice and so we look for caring, discrete and intelligent ways in which to contribute to the development of local potential by supporting useful projects and providing people with resources and opportunities to grow.

Here are a few of the initiatives promoted and supported by Sircatene Spa.


Sircatene for culture

Controcorrente Festival Jazz - June 2014 and 2013
First and second edition of “Controcorrente” Festival Jazz in Mandello del Lario.


“Varenna Fisica Festival” - September - October 2011
A scientific disclosure project that involved various Nobel Prizes, as Theodor Haensch e Claude Cohen-Tannoudji scientists such as Margherita Hack and Antonino Zichichi and international scientists, featuring 67 events, 5 scientific exhibitions and three art exhibitions.


Sircatene for the people

Young and very young champions grow - dal 2000 ad oggi
22 players, a ball and two goalposts: football is not a game, but a magic that one learns from an early age on the church school playing field, in car parks, on the streets. Is is also a team game that should teach us how to follow the rules, communicate with the others and respect our rival.
Values in which Sircatene want to believe. Therefore, the company sponsored the teams of debutants and the youngest players of Missaglia.
We grow champions, both on the football field and in the day-to-day life.


Amatour 2015: music and solidarity - 2015
Sircatene supports the new project 2015 of “Amatour” in recording their CD and also the live "Controcorrente” shows that blend music and solidarity. The band “Amatour” proposes musical itineraries and shows for collecting funds needed for solidarity projects, inspired by the work of the missionary priest Fausto Tentorio, murdered in the Phillipines in 2011. A tangible help for those waiting for an occasion, an opportunity, in any corner of the world.


The Alzheimer Project - 2014
Training course "Family attendants - Alzheimer carers"
A training course for preparing qualifed staff to provide in-home assistance to Alzheimer patients, organized in collaboration with the Foundation of the province of Lecco, the Work Association Over 40, the Foundation Luigi Clerici, Municipality of Merate, Municipality of Casatenovo.